Dies ist eine alte Version des Dokuments!

Help Us By ...

using this page to list the software you want to see on SB.OS, to link to tutorials … … and by adding your favourite systems biology links to our link collection

Current bugs

To do

  • new screenshot for documentation & wiki
  • list Xppaut in the desktop menue; include documentation
  • check out bio-linux; a very similar effort with really nice documentation

web sites

  • in license text after booting: „license directory“ instead of „License-Directory“ (two times!!)
  • include libsbml spec (from sbml.org)

Michael Huckas Mail

* Regarding possible additions, the following come to mind, in no particular order (and no consideration for the level of difficulty!):

  1. iBioSim
  2. Virtual Cell
  3. PySCeS * DONE
  4. ByoDyn
  5. SBMLeditor * DONE
  6. SBMLsqueezer * DONE
  7. SBML ODE Solver
  8. Bifurcation Discovery Tool (http://sys-bio.org/sbwWiki/sbw/biftool)
  9. Cytoscape * DONE
  10. SBML2LaTeX * DONE
contribute.1247216789.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2009/07/10 11:06 von wolfliebermeister
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