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start [2011/09/28 21:41]
wolfliebermeister [Welcome to SB.OS - Systems Biology Operational Software]
start [2021/05/19 13:39] (aktuell)
ivomaintz [Download]
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 ~~NOTOC~~ ~~NOTOC~~
-{{  :sb.os_small.png|SB.OS logo}}+{{    :sb.os_small.png|SB.OS logo}}
 ====== Welcome to SB.OS - Systems Biology Operational Software ====== ====== Welcome to SB.OS - Systems Biology Operational Software ======
-SB.OS is a live DVD based on Ubuntu Linux that comes with a [[software included0.4.3|comprehensive selection]] of Systems Biology Software. +SB.OS is a live DVD based on Ubuntu Linux that comes with a [[software included1.0|comprehensive selection]] of Systems Biology Software. 
-Text and video documentation material, as well as an offline copy of the [[http://www.ebi.ac.uk/biomodels-main/|BioModels.net]] database, are included.+Text and video documentation material, as well as an offline copy of [[http://www.ebi.ac.uk/biomodels-main/|BioModels Database]], the largest repository of SBML models, are included.
 ===== Screenshots ===== ===== Screenshots =====
Zeile 14: Zeile 14:
 ===== Download ===== ===== Download =====
-You can download an image file of the current SB.OS DVD [[http://jaguar.biologie.hu-berlin.de/systems_biology/|here]].+You can download an image file of the current SB.OS DVD [[https://www.sbos.eu/downloads/weekly|here]].
 ===== Creating a Bootable DVD / USB Stick ===== ===== Creating a Bootable DVD / USB Stick =====
Zeile 26: Zeile 26:
 We are happy about all contributions. Please use [[contribute|this wiki page]] to make yourself heard.  We are happy about all contributions. Please use [[contribute|this wiki page]] to make yourself heard. 
 You are allowed to edit the [[contribute|contribute section]] and to add Systems Biology links to our [[link_collection|link collection]]. Alternatively, you can directly contact us by email:\\ You are allowed to edit the [[contribute|contribute section]] and to add Systems Biology links to our [[link_collection|link collection]]. Alternatively, you can directly contact us by email:\\
- * wolfram.liebermeister AT charite.de\\ + * wolfram.liebermeister AT gmail.com\\
- * falko.krause AT biologie.hu-berlin.de\\+
  * ivo.maintz AT biologie.hu-berlin.de  * ivo.maintz AT biologie.hu-berlin.de
start.1317246108.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2011/09/28 21:41 von wolfliebermeister
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