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news [2011/10/26 10:57]
news [2021/09/17 14:48] (aktuell)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 +== 17.09.2021 ==
 +Fixed the download link in the menu.
 +Currently based on (x)ubuntu 20.04 LTS (SB.OS 1.4.2).
 +== 02.03.2018 ==
 +Just updated this site and added separate software lists for Python 2, Python 3 and R packages, for better overview
 +== 05.05.2016 ==
 +The base of SB.OS is now ubuntu xenial (16.04)
 +== 22.06.2014 ==
 +The base of SB.OS is now ubuntu trusty (14.04)
 +== ß9.ß1.2013 ==
 +Weekly builds
 +== 22.11.2011 ==
 +the result of the work of the last weeks you can find in the [[http://jaguar.biologie.hu-berlin.de/systems_biology/testing/|testing area]]
 +It's based on ubuntu oneirc, but with the xfce4 desktop environment. Comments and suggestions would be very helpful...
 +== 04.11.2011 ==
 +I heavily reworked the build script; now it builds the system from scratch, without the need of a downloaded image.
 +You will find it in the [[http://jaguar.biologie.hu-berlin.de/svn/sbos/build/sbos_ng|svn]]
 == 26.10.2011 == == 26.10.2011 ==
-updated/added celldesigner 4.2, libsbml5*, copasi 4.7.34, cain 1.9, sbmltoolbox 4.0.1, sematicsbml 1.1 to the oneiric repository in preparation of the new SB.OS 0.6+updated/added celldesigner 4.2, libsbml5* and libsbml4*, copasi 4.7.34, cain 1.9, sbmltoolbox 4.0.1, sematicsbml 1.1 to the oneiric repository in preparation of the new SB.OS 0.6
 == 21.10.2011 == == 21.10.2011 ==
news.1319626656.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2011/10/26 10:57 von ivomaintz
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