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Welcome to SB.OS - Systems Biology Operational Software

SB.OS is a live DVD based on Ubuntu Linux that comes with a comprehensive selection of Systems Biology Software. Text and video documentation material, as well as an offline copy of BioModels Database, the largest repository of SBML models, are included.


You will find a screenshot here.


You can download an image file of the current SB.OS DVD here.

Creating a Bootable DVD / USB Stick

You can run SB.OS on your computer without having to install anything. Just create a bootable DVD or USB stick as described here.

Installing SB.OS on your computer

You can install SB.OS permanently on your computer as described here.


We are happy about all contributions. Please use this wiki page to make yourself heard. You are allowed to edit the contribute section and to add Systems Biology links to our link collection. Alternatively, you can directly contact us by email:
* wolfram.liebermeister AT
* ivo.maintz AT

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